June 6, 2013


How did this charge get laid on the facts as we know them?

The hearing today is scheduled to start at 9:00am EST.  Be prepared to start a little early, if all the attendees are in the courtroom.

I will be on facebook discussing the hearing as I watch it live online.  The link to the facebook page is here. We’d love to see more commentators there. Ofcourse, you are welcome to discuss the hearing here as well. I’ll get an email whenever someone posts.

Possible Links to Live Streams (Thanks Carole):

WAT~ http://wildabouttrial.com/trial_videos/watch-the-george-zimmerman-hearing-live/

Local WFT~ http://www.wftv.com/s/watchlive/

Click Orlando~ http://www.clickorlando.com/news/-/1637132/19533480/-/fm5b93z/-/index.html

For those who are able, please make a donation to the defense fund. Thank you for helping.  Thanks to a handful of large donors the fund went from $46K to $77K.  The goal is to get $120K.

For newcomers, please know that racist remarks will be trashed. If you are presenting yourself as a George Zimmerman supporter, please keep in mind this man is in a fight for his life. Conduct yourself in a way that won’t bring heartache and/or embarrassment to the Zimmerman family.

Anyone who wants to share something privately, email me at nettles@bell.net